Stormtroopers are not clones

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Though many Stormtroopers are quite inaccurate at shooting their targets (mostly new recruits or inexperienced individuals), certain divisions, such as the Death Troopers and the Special Commando Advanced Recon (SCAR) troopers were exceedingly formidable, being able to gun down almost any opponent in combat. The Stormtroopers are loyal and obedient, and they never question orders from high-ranking officials. They were also similarly disposable and expendable as the Clone Troopers. Alternatively, these troopers where noticeably less combat efficient than their counterparts from the Clone Wars, and relied more on weaponry and masses to achieve victory. As the Empire went on, many races feared these troopers, and were threatened to be arrested or killed on sight if anyone dared tried to mess with them or fight back. Without the guidance of their Jedi officers, Stormtroopers were 'cut loose' to brutally enforce the new Imperial doctrine, to which they quickly built a reputation as merciless, uncompromising soldiers indoctrinated with unconditional loyalty to Emperor Palpatine. With the falling of the Old Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Clone Troopers were rechristened as Imperial Stormtroopers or were replaced by them.